Monday, March 10, 2014

domo arigato

Mr. Roboto. Because I'm timely like that. That's how we deviants roll, yo.

Maybe its my disaffected teenager-hood, but I've always been a sucker for a good song about being a robot. Android. Cyborg. Whatever.

Which brings us to the best album about being a robot released in 2013. Ra Ra Riot's Beta Love has to be head and shoulders above the other albums about being a robot in 2013. (I have no idea if there were any others) I heard it, and it was love. And I listened to it over and over and over and...

Then I tortured my then seven-year-old daughter by forcing her to listen to the first track, Dance With Me and/or singing it to her constantly. Especially because, like her deviant parent, she can be a wee little Eeyore.

So picking her up from school, it was "how was your day, kid?" With the reply "it wasn't that great" at which point I'd break into song "oh I most/ I mostly had a good day/ it wasn't that great." I think she knows all the words to the song know. Heh.

But I digress. I love this album. That's really my point. And I've been living with it for a while. Listened to it in all sorts of conditions (except Brooklyn. I refuse to listen to this album in Brooklyn. Except for this past Sunday. I feel a little bit too hipstery driving around BK with this album on). It holds up. Favorite track, by far, is I Shut Off, which speaks deeply to my little melodramatic heart happy. 

Moving right along, my favorite song about being a robot has to be Robyn's Fembot. Which I don't know that I should actually write anything about it. I should just post the video. (ok, the video is merely ok. The song, however, is freakin brilliant). Once you go tech, y'all...

And lastly, this brings us to this Daft Punk thing that happened.

Which, because I'm tired, warrants a list:
  1. I love the fact that all of these critics and the Grammys voters and everybody else who is highbrow and HAS OPINIONS ABOUT MUSIC THAT ARE CORRECT creamed themselves over this album. But if it had been released two to five years ago, would have been laughed out of existence. Heh. It's got some very Trans-Siberian Orchestra moments on it. 
  2. I don't count this as an album about being a robot. Because I think it's really an album about being human by two guys who are either robots, or just really really want to be. (or like the masks. I don't judge...much)
  3. It's pretty awesome. (the album. also the masks. I'm a little jealous of the masks. but given that I am now the proud owner of a gorilla suit, I think I can hold off on a robot suit for a while. Instead of going for the future in my costumes, I'm definitely regressing.)
  4. Get Lucky is not the best track on the album. I'm not sure what is yet, but Get Lucky isn't it. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun track. I like it. It has Pharrell, and he is magic.
  5. Maybe it is Lose Yourself to Dance. Which has the magic Pharrell AND freakin Nile Rogers.

Nile Rogers, kids, is, to put him into context, the OG Pharrell. He's responsible for producing EVERYTHING, and had a pretty excellent hit or two with his band, Chic, back in the day:

But enough about robots. I'm going to bed. Recharging is necessary.